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Connect with ELEVATE at COP28!

At COP28, there will be multiple opportunities to connect with ELEVATE partners. Join us in exploring beyond the Global Stocktake to create feasible and just transitions, pathways towards net-zero, and system transformations necessary to limit warming to 1.5 °C.

Beyond the Global Stocktake to create feasible and just transitions

This event presents a multi-model assessment of current implemented policies and ambitions on climate outcomes and proposes ways to strengthen ambition. We explore the effects of addressing feasibility concerns on climate scenarios and discuss how just transitions can be included in climate scenarios.


Speakers: Prof. Detlef van Vuuren, Prof. Pedro Rochedo, Dr. Bas van Ruijven, Prof. Elmar Kriegler and Dr. Elina Brutschin

Moderator: Sonja Klinsky

Towards net-zero: a science perspective

This event will explore pathways to support the design of future NDCs and implementation of climate policies for the post-2030 period, consistent with the Paris Agreement and net-zero targets.  It will highlight how transparency systems and tracking progress towards implementation and achievement of the NDC under the Paris Agreement can facilitate the design and implementation of transformative policies. Leading scientists of ELEVATE will present the findings of their research. 

Speakers: Prof. Detlef van Vuuren, Prof. Dr. Niklas Höhne, Dr. Bas van Ruijven, Prof. Elmar Kriegler

Moderator: Dr. Ruta Bubniene

Limiting warming to 1.5 °C: Systems transformation in the energy sector

Emissions are not in line with modelled global mitigation pathways consistent with the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement, and implement existing commitments to limit warming to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. Much more ambition is needed in domestic mitigation measures in NDCs and in LTSs to in order to halve global emissions by 2030, reach net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 globally. Achieving net zero CO2 and GHG emissions requires systemic transformations across all sectors and scaling up low- and zero-emission alternatives, and implementing both supply- and demand-side measures.

Transformation of global energy systems is at the core of the challenge and opportunity of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Energy system mitigation measures could account for 74 per cent of total global mitigation in reaching net zero GHG emissions. A rapid reduction of the world economy’s reliance on fossil fuels towards clean energy is central for just transitions to net zero emissions.

This event presents system transformations in the industry, transport, buildings, and land use sectors and discusses the feasibility of decarbonisation pathways.

Speakers: Mr. Leonardo Nascimento, Dr. Ioannis Dafnomilis, Dr. Isabela Schmidt Tagomori, Ms. Elena Hooijschuur and Dr. Jessica Strefler

2nd ELEVATE International Stakeholder Workshop

In the search of possible ways to meet the Paris Agreement’s goals, the interaction between science and policymakers is critical. The ELEVATE project has researchers from many countries worldwide looking into emission reduction pathways, just transitions and international cooperation. The aim is to set up an informal forum with policymakers worldwide to exchange novel ideas and co-design a new generation of net-zero pathways.

The first co-creation workshop was held adjacent to the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 58), read more about that workshop here.

More information about the 2nd co-creation workshop, which will happen end of January or beginning of February, will be shared soon.

4 December, 2023 | 11:30 - 13:30 (Gulf Standard Time)

SE Room 9, COP28, Dubai, United Arab Emirates / Live online on Youtube

5 December, 2023 | 15:00 - 16:00 (Gulf Standard Time)

Together for Transparency family of events, M36, COP28, Dubai, United Arab Emirates / Live online at Towards net-zero emissions: science perspective | UNFCCC

6 December, 2023 | 16:30 - 17:30 (CET)

Online at EU side events COP28 - Programme (

End of January/Beginning of February

Online (more information will follow)

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