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Public repository

ELEVATE Zenodo community

On the ELEVATE Zenodo community, supportive ELEVATE outputs are made available. Currently, the following products are stored on Zenodo: 


The Climate Policy Database

The Climate Policy Modelling Protocol is used to model the Current policies scenario. It includes climate and energy policies for major economies, and details the instruments, targets and sectors.  Only implemented policies are included in this protocol, and are defined as policies adopted by the government through legislation or executive orders, and non-binding targets backed by effective policy instruments.


The ELEVATE modelling protocol on 'Development of global and national climate policy pathways'

This protocol provides the scenario framework for national and global-level model runs. The protocol integrates national and global pathways into a coherent set of low-carbon strategies, allowing the assessment of national strategies and good practice policies, and their consistency with global pathways to 1.5/2°C warming levels, feasibility factors, and entry points related to technological innovation, behavioural changes and political economy. 


Fair emissions allocations under various global conditions

This dataset contains information on how to fairly distribute the mitigation efforts that countries need to undertake to together achieve certain climate goals. There is no single answer to this question, but we explore this topic by looking at various global emissions pathways, and subsequently allocate these emissions to countries using different effort-sharing rules. Some of these rules can be considered fair and can be used as information in the debate on just transitions. Please note that the research behind this dataset is still under development and therefore this dataset is not final.



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